Top 5 Apps Sustainability

Top 5 apps for more sustainability in everyday life

Who hasn't experienced this? You want to live a more sustainable and climate-friendly life, but where to start is not so easy. There are many ways in which we can make our everyday lives more sustainable, without having to radically change our own lifestyle. In the meantime, there are numerous apps that you can use to become more sustainable.

You want to do something good for the environment in your everyday life? It's easy with the following apps!

Who hasn't experienced this? You want to live a more sustainable and climate-friendly life, but where to start is not so easy. There are many ways in which we can make our everyday lives more sustainable, without having to radically change our own lifestyle. In the meantime, there are numerous apps that you can use to become more sustainable.

In today's post, I'll introduce you to a selection of small eco-friendly everyday pocket companions to positively impact your environmental conscience.

1. too Good To Go

One app that has become quite well-known is TooGoodtoGo. Restaurants, bakeries, grocery stores and cafés often have perfectly good products or dishes left over. However, due to certain rules, these have to be thrown away the next day, even though they are still completely edible. With the app, you'll see the vendors from your area that offer their products at unbeatable prices at the end of the business day, otherwise they'll be thrown away. And you even save money.

The principle is as simple as it is ingenious. After registering, you can see which stores still have food available. In the value of 3-5 euros you can reserve a Magic Box and pay directly with PayPal, credit card or instant bank transfer. The content is always different and often exceeds the value of your Magic Box - So also a surprise effect. To save additional packaging waste, you can take your own containers with you. You can conveniently pick up your reserved Magic Box at the end of the day. To save more than just food, you can also consider your carbon footprint when picking up. Ideally, you should take public transport, cycle or walk. Because cooking is even more fun with a climate-friendly conscience. If your busy schedule doesn't allow it, you can also reserve the Magic Box for the next day and go to sleep looking forward to saving food.

Android | iOS


2. too good for the garbage can!

If you want to give food a second chance in your own kitchen, you can also install this app. Too much food ends up in the trash, even though it's still very good to eat. In addition to incorrect portioning when cooking, there is often a lack of ideas for recycling leftovers. With "Too good for the garbage can!" you simply type in the food that you still want to use up. In return, the app suggests suitable recipes. In addition, the app provides you with ideas for using frequently discarded food scraps, such as the greens from carrots. The leftovers app was developed on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).

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3. replacePlastic

Every year, 4.8-12.7 million tons of plastic end up in the oceans. Plastic packaging material plays the biggest role, because too many everyday products are unnecessarily wrapped in plastic. With the ReplacePlastic app you can fight this problem.

The app helps you with your shopping in grocery stores. It is based on barcodes and user feedback. You scan each product that you think doesn't need plastic packaging. Your feedback is then sent directly to the manufacturer with a request to use more sustainable packaging. The more users use this app, the higher the probability that companies will change their thinking. In addition, the app gives you tips on storage and shelf life as well as avoiding food waste.

Android | iOS


4th Go Green Challenge

The next environmental savior is a playful alternative to the sustainable apps already mentioned. You've probably integrated small challenges into your everyday life without following through. With this app you can do sustainable challenges that are quick to complete and still have an impact - for the sake of the environment. With small daily or weekly tasks you face daily challenges. For example, save electricity, pick up trash or don't throw away food for a whole week. With each completed task you collect points. You can then share these points with your friends and compare them. As a small additional function, you can also create your own challenges and work together with your friends for the environment.

Android | Desktop version


5. CO2mpensio

We can't move in a completely climate-neutral way, that's clear. But with the next app, you can help make your mobility as sustainable as possible. Your car journeys and air travel in particular produce climate-damaging carbon dioxide. When you download CO2mpensio, you take part in a climate protection project in Ethiopia. You use the app to make a donation for each trip or flight. The app calculates an amount and informs you how many trees can be planted. You can pay with PayPal or credit card.

Android | iOS


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